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Behind the Name: Why “MartianCraft” Embodies Our Commitment to a Better Future

Kyle Richter April 29, 2024

As the chief executive officer of MartianCraft, I’m often asked about the story behind our company’s name. It’s a conversation I relish, as it touches on the essence of our vision and the future we’re tirelessly working toward. “MartianCraft” is more than a name—it’s a promise of progress and an...

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The Vision Pro Experience: A Dive into Apple's Spatial Computing

Evan Stone February 01, 2024

Introduction Apple’s Vision Pro is one of the most unique and interesting platforms to have come around in a long time. Sure, the concept of virtual reality headsets has been around since the ’90s, but Vision Pro takes the idea in a new and astounding direction. Competitors, pundits, and naysayers...

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